National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing



Dear Visitor,


Welcome to the official website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing.

The National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing has been operating as a law enforcement agency since 1 July 2019.


The National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing is a nationwide, independent budgetary body under the supervision of the Ministry of Interior. It continues to deal with matters relating to the entry, stay and settlement of foreign nationals; all these duties are performed with nationwide jurisdiction in 7 regional directorates and 24 branch offices.


The Directorate-General continues to pay particular attention to customer-friendly and well-mannered daily operation as well as the development of e-administration systems making our processes even more efficient.


Thank you for visiting our site and being interested in our work. I sincerely hope that the content available here will help proceed with your applications or queries and anyone interested in our activities may found the necessary information.



Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.


OIF logó nagyonnagyonkicsi